Event date:

We are pleased to announce the July event of PHP North East.

Following last months successful trial of the new venue, @PostOfficeNE1 courtesy of PNE, this months talk will be held there again (followed by drinks in the Town Wall pub afterwards for anyone who wants to join us).

This months event features the talk, What is Doctrine ORM and should I use it? by Juozas Kaziukenas (@juokaz, http://juokaz.com) a core Doctrine developer, Zend Framework contributor and CEO of Web Species (@webspecies, http://webspecies.co.uk).

What is Doctrine ORM and should I use it?

Doctrine is an enterprise object persistence layer for PHP 5.3.2+ that supports persisting PHP objects to relational databases like MySQL, Oracle, etc. and document based storage systems like CouchDB and MongoDB as well. I’ve been using it and involved in development for a long time, so I wanted to share what I think makes it a must-have tool for complicated systems. It doesn’t work in all situations, but that’s what we are going to discuss, apart from this the talk focuses on:

  • Introduction to ORMs
  • What problems they solve
  • Issues with ORMs
  • PHP ORMs history
  • Problems with Doctrine 1
  • Doctrine 2 - completely different beast
  • Doctrine 2 basics
  • Using Doctrine 2
  • Performance numbers/Overhead
  • Integrating with existing applications

This talk is a brief introduction to the world of ORMs, focusing a lot on “should I use this” and “how can I use this?” while at the same time explaining how Doctrine works and looks code-wise. If you would like a good grounding for the talk, you may want to read (http://seldo.com/weblog/2011/06/15/orm_is_an_antipattern) before coming to the talk.